Top 25 Crazy, Fun, and Unusual Things to Do in Paris

Crazy and Unusual Things to Do in Paris Pin

If you’re looking for unusual things to do in Paris, you have to think outside the box.

Erase the unrealistically romantic picture of the City of Love that Hollywood has painted.

Forget the popular things to do in Paris and instead search for cool and crazy non-touristy activities.

But most importantly, keep an open mind and remember that unusual things might hide in the most popular, crowded, and visited places. After multiple visits to the French capital, I’ve uncovered hidden gems in the most unexpected places.

To propel your creative search, here is my list of the top 25 fun, crazy, and unusual things to do in the French capital.

Let’s explore!

Short on time? Check out my top recommended unusual and crazy things to do in Paris:

Discover The Wall of Love on the Best Walking Tour of Montmartre

Cruise the Streets of Paris in an Iconic Citroën 2CV

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25 Fun, Crazy, and Unusual Things to Do in Paris

River Seine Paris
You’ll find a ton of unusual and fun things to do in Paris

The French capital can be a bit overwhelming with the multitude of activities it offers. And if you’ve already visited, you might have seen all the popular places. I know I have :)

So, let’s discover some new spots for you to explore. In this article, you’ll find the craziest fun things to do in Paris.

Jump directly to your favorite unusual things to do in Paris using the table of contents below: 

1. The Wall of Love Mural: Celebrate Love at The Wall That Unites

The Wall of Love
My favorite of the most unusual things to do in Paris is visiting The Wall of Love

Your search for the coolest and most unusual things to do in Paris should start with the most positive experience on the list.

The Wall of Love (Le mur des je t’aime), according to its authors, was built to unite instead of divide people. Hidden in a small public garden on the hills of Montmartre, you’ll find a mural with the most powerful words in the world. 

I Love You is written in 250 languages on 21 cm x 29.7 cm (8.3 x 11.7 in) enameled lava tiles. 311 representations of the phrase in all major and several rare languages cover the 40 m2 (430.6 sq. ft.) space.

The artist Fédéric Baron and the calligraphist Claire Kito created the wall in 2000 using 612 tiles. It’s located in the Jehan Rictus Garden in Montmartre.

The red splashes between the words are the parts of “humanity’s broken heart” which the authors attempt to reunite on their gigantic fresco.

Funny enough, I never stumbled upon the mural on my solo trips or group tours of Paris. I first discovered it when I traveled to the City of Love with my significant other.

You can visit the garden every weekday from 8:00 AM, and on weekends and holidays from 9:00 AM, regardless of the season. You can enjoy The Wall of Love until dark.

2. The Louvre’s Crazy Collections: Discover Ancient Art and Grand Designs

The world-famous Louvre hides several crazy collections, earning it a spot on the unusual things to do in Paris list

If you’re dedicated to finding unusual things to do in Paris, then you might think the Louvre is not the right place to search.

After all, it’s one of the most famous attractions in the city, and I’ve also included it in my 3 days in Paris itinerary already.

But hear me out because the most famous gallery in the world hides some of the most unusual experiences in Paris.

Here’s what I mean:

  • The Louvre is gigantic. The museum, hosted in the former French Royal Palace, has an extensive collection of items on display. In fact, it’s home to over 15,000 pieces of art!
  • Most tourists never truly explore it. Most visitors to the Louvre enter to see the famous Mona Lisa and a few other famous art pieces. It seems that they visit the museum to brag in front of their friends, not to appreciate art.
  • The building and the obscure collections are worth seeing. Below are my suggestions for several lesser-known collections in the Louvre, which I believe will surprise and astonish you.

Arts of Oceania

Unusual Art in the Louvre
These religious figures from far-away islands are definitely at the top of the crazy things to do in Paris

Hidden at level 0 of the Denon Wing, the Art of Oceania collection presents items from islands with names, hard to pronounce. Idols of religions you haven’t heard of stare at you and evoke unfamiliar feelings.

I admit I still can’t make up my mind about the weird-looking guy in the photo. What a great non touristy thing to do in Paris, don’t you agree?

The Oldest Collections

In the Richelieu and Sully Wings at level 0, you’ll find the oldest items in the Louvre.

Dated back to 7,500 BC, the Near Eastern Antiquities have arrived from the area of today’s Iran and Syria. The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Levant, and Arabia have left colossal treasures. The Louvre is the only place you can admire these collections.

Egyptian Antiquities

Egyptian Sarcophagi
Seeing these Egyptian sarcophagi, aren’t you happy you added the Louvre to your list of unusual things to do in Paris?

In the Sully Wing at level 0, you’ll find artifacts dating back to 4,000 BC. The Ancient Egypt Civilization collection boasts sarcophagi, mummies, and even pyramids.

Unlike in Egypt, in the Louvre you can admire the ancient builders’ craft without hordes of tourists or vendors around you. Even the temperature is much more pleasant in the halls of the former royal palace.

Keep in mind that the collection is gigantic. I may or may not have lost my way and had to ask for directions on my first visit to the Egyptian section of the Louvre.

The French Crown Jewels

The Denon Wing keeps the French Crown Jewels.

On level 1 in the Galerie d’Apollon, you’ll not only find what the French kings have worn.

You will also be mindblown by the imposing interior of the hall!

✔️ Tips for Visiting the Louvre

Louvre Collection
Louvre’s less popular collections are some of the most unusual things to do in Paris

It took me several visits to the Louvre to even start to comprehend its grandeur and complexity.

So, before you begin exploring the world’s largest museum, take a good look at the plan, search for the collections that match your interests, and discover their locations.

Here are a few extra tips for your visit to the Louvre:

  • Use the Porte des Lions Entrance near the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel to avoid queuing at the popular Pyramid Entrance.
  • Alternatively, you can buy your ticket online and save yourself time and hassle.
  • On Wednesdays and Fridays, the museum has longer opening hours.
  • On Tuesdays, the Louvre is closed.
  • There is free admission on the first Sunday of the month from October to March, as well as on July, 14th. However, keep in mind that everyone wants to get in on these days.
  • The minimum time needed for the Louvre is two hours. This will ensure you’ll have the best experience while roaming the halls of the museum. Less than that would mean too much running and won’t justify the price of the ticket. Longer than that might be too exhausting and overwhelming.

As you see, visiting the Louvre is truly one of the craziest things to do in Paris ;)

3. The Parisian Catacombs: Pay Respect to the Dead Underground

Paris Catacombs
Diving into the Catacombs is one of the most gruesome and unusual things to do in Paris

Paris is home to an extensive labyrinth of underground tunnels, known as the Paris Catacombs.

If your fascination with death wants to take you deeper on your journey to find the most unusual things to do in Paris, then you should visit the Catacombs of Paris in Montparnasse.

Hosted 20 m / 65.62 ft. underground in former limestone quarries, the catacombs contain the remains of millions of Parisians.

In the 18th and 19th centuries, the graveyards of the city posed a high risk to public health. Bodies were moved to the maze of dark tunnels of the unused mines.

They were arranged in a macabre display in an ossuary, as well as in the long galleries and in narrow passages. Spooky but also one of the most unique things to do in Paris, am I right?

Here are the most important facts about the Parisian Catacombs:

  • Their depth is 20 m / 65.62 ft., which is approximately equivalent to a seven-story building.
  • The number of steps during the tour of the catacombs is 213. You will descend 130 steps and climb 83 stairs on your way up to reach the exit.
  • The total distance covered by the tour is 2 km / 1.24 mi. The length of the galleries of the ossuary is 800 m / 0.5 mi.
  • The area of the tunnels is approximately 11,000 m2 / 118,403 sq. ft.
  • The duration of the tour is 45 minutes.
  • The temperature is 14°C / 57°F all year round.

If this sounds like one of the cool unusual things to do in Paris for you to undertake, then read this information and tips as well:

  • Only 200 people may enter the catacombs at a time. This might cause long waiting times during busy hours.
  • No toilet or cloakroom facilities are available inside.
  • The tour is unsuitable for people with heart or respiratory problems, those with a nervous disposition, and young children. The catacombs are not accessible to persons with reduced mobility.
  • The best time to visit the Catacombs of Paris is from October to April. Try to come between Wednesday and Friday, between 3:00 PM and 7:00 PM for the shortest waiting times.
  • To skip the lines, buy your ticket from the GetYourGuide here.

4. The Parisian Cemeteries: Meet Eternity and Celebrate Life

Père Lachaise Cemetery Paris
Visiting Père Lachaise Cemetery is one of the best crazy things to do in Paris

If you want to find the last resting place of famous personas of the last few centuries, add one of the Parisian cemeteries to your list of crazy things to do in Paris.

The monumental Parisian cemeteries are a celebration of life and a great way to keep in touch with your own mortality and eternity.

Here are the most well-known cemeteries in Paris:

  • Père Lachaise Cemetery: the largest cemetery in Paris is the most visited in the world. It’s the last home of Honoré de Balzac, Oscar Wilde, Édith Piaf, and Jim Morrison, among others. The best way to explore the most famous Parisian cemetery and learn its stories is on this guided tour.
  • Montparnasse Cemetery: also known as Le Cimetière du Sud, it’s a beautifully maintained cemetery park with impressive tombs and gravestones of the French intellectual and artistic elite.
  • Montmartre Cemetery: alternatively called Cimitière du Nord, this is the final resting place of countless famous artists and writers. Alexandre Dumas fils, Degas, and Heinrich Heine, among others, are buried in this graveyard.

5. The Panthéon: Visit One of the Most Famous Mausoleums in the World

Graves Pantheon
The Parisian Panthéon is a famous mausoleum and one of the strangest things to do in Paris

I admit that visiting cemeteries or catacombs might be too gruesome or eccentric for some of you.

So, if you still want to pay your respects to the dead without feeling morbid, you should do so in the Panthéon. Buy your ticket online to skip waiting.

The impressive building is situated in the Latin Quarter, the bohemian heart of Paris. The main architect, Jacques-Germain Soufflot, reportedly wanted his building “to combine the lightness and brightness of a gothic cathedral with classical architectural principles”.

You be the judge whether he completed his mission with his Neoclassical masterpiece.

Originally built to serve as a church, it is currently a secular mausoleum.

The remains of French national heroes lay in its crypt. Among them are Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Émile Zola, Alexander Dumas, Louis Braille, Pierre and Marie Curie.

6. Le Jardin du Luxembourg: Sail a Model Boat in a Royal Pond

Sailing a model boat in a garden pond qualifies as one of the most unusual things to do in Paris

I bet after the horrifying previous few activities, you would want to do something a bit more lively in the City of Light. So, the next one is among the most fun things to do in Paris.

Check this out:

In the middle of Le Jardin du Luxembourg, lies a small pond.

You can join the young crowd at its banks and play with a wind-powered sailboat.

What better place to inspire your inner child than the 17th-century park with a Royal Palace as a background?

The park showcases meticulously-groomed gardens, trees arranged in captivating patterns, and charming statues elegantly placed on pedestals.

Well, there isn’t much more to know about this awesome, non-touristy Parisian activity. Whether you brought your own boat, or you came to watch the other enthusiasts play with theirs, I bet you’ll have a great time.

7. Shakespeare and Company: Disappear in the Fantastic World of Books

Shakespeare and Company Bookstore
Shakespeare and Company is the most iconic bookstore for English literature in Paris

Founded by Sylvia Beach, an American expat bookseller and publisher, the quaint bookstore Shakespeare and Company sits near the Seine River banks.

On the edge of the bohemian Latin Quarter and a stone’s throw away from the Notre Dame Cathedral, the shop is the most visited of its kind in Paris.

Still, if you avoid weekends and busy hours, you can enjoy a quiet walk between the overflowing bookshelves. Come in the morning, right after the bookstore opens at 10:00 AM, or stay late – between 9:00 PM and the closing time at 10:00 PM.

The bookstore and its founder played a huge role in the cultural life of Paris. Especially during the two World Wars, Sylvia Beach helped numerous authors get their works published.

For example, she helped James Joyce bring his Ulysses to the world.

Nowadays, Shakespeare and Company is still geared towards supporting authors and encouraging people to write and read. Enchanting little nooks invite for cozy reading in the upper room. Surrounded by the smell of antique books, it is the perfect place to peruse, seated comfortably in a leather chair.

You might even find a pressed flower or a note from another time between the pages!

If you decide to take a unique souvenir home from your trip to Paris, this is the perfect place to buy it. Before leaving, make sure you get the bookstore’s stamp on your book(s). Such a unique thing to do in Paris, isn’t it?

8. Point Zero: Make a Wish at the Most Important Starting Point in France

Unusual Paris Point Zero near Notre Dame
You’ll find the small but important marker in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral

In case you didn’t know, all distances in every country are measured from a starting point, usually somewhere in the capital city.

The distances in France begin at Point Zero in Paris. It is located in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral.

A small, octagonal brass plate in the ground marks the geographic center of Paris.

For decades, tourists have invented and performed their good luck rituals around the spot.

For example, some will spin on one foot with the other one on the marker, while making a wish. Others might kiss and promise each other eternal love while standing on it.

Most commonly, visitors and Parisians will touch the plate as a sign of conquering the French capital.

Maybe you’ll want to start your own (crazy) ritual, too?

It is entirely up to your imagination what you choose to do in this cool spot. Either way, I think it’s one of the coolest, craziest things to do in Paris!

9. Musée des Arts et métiers: Examine the Proof of Earth’s Rotation

The French physicist Foucault used a pendulum to prove Earth’s rotation

A simple device, named after its creator – the physicist Léon Foucault – can demonstrate Earth’s rotation.

In 1851, the scientist suspended a 28 kg (61.7 lb) brass-coated lead bob on a 67 m (219.8 ft.) long wire from the dome of the Panthéon.

The plane of the pendulum’s swing rotates clockwise at approximately 11.3° per hour. It finishes a full circle in approximately 31.8 hours, thus giving direct evidence of Earth’s rotation.

Since 1855, the original Foucault’s Pendulum resides in the Musée des Arts et métiers in Paris. An exact replica swings under the dome of the Panthéon (pictured in the image above).

If you visit the mausoleum to pay respect to the greatest French minds, the pendulum will be the first thing you see. And if you choose to glimpse at Foucault’s original bob, the Musée des Arts et métiers (Museum of Technology, Science, and Industry) has further treats for you.

Located in a converted church, this unique museum features impressive design, science, and engineering collections. Extraordinarily detailed models provide a fantastic voyage into the history of technology.

Explore the sections devoted to electricity, communications, computers, civil engineering, measurements, textiles, and so much more. Observe historical instruments and methods for measuring temperature, weight, length, volume, and frequency.

The best part?

You can examine some of the instruments and test their accuracy yourself! You can’t disagree that this is one of the best non-touristy and fun things to do in Paris.

The best times to visit the Museum des Arts et Métiers are Thursday evening and Sunday morning. On Thursdays, the museum stays open longer than on other days, closing its doors at 9:00 PM.

10. Eiffel’s Secret Apartment: Spy On the Architect’s Prominent Guests

Eiffels Apartment
The life-like wax figures of Eiffel and Edison in the secret apartment

When the Eiffel Tower opened for the World Expo in 1889, Parisians were divided in their opinions about the iron construction.

Today, we can’t imagine Paris without the iconic structure rising above the landscape of the city.

Few tourists realize that the observation tower not only provides the most spectacular view over Paris but also hides Eiffel’s secret apartment.

Tucked between the girders, the famous architect set up a cozy apartment for himself and his occasional guests. The elegant wooden furniture provided comfort in his hours of solitude and quiet reflection.

Reportedly, wealthy Parisians offered more than once large sums to spend a single night in the apartment and enjoy the fantastic view of the city at the River Seine all to themselves.

Eiffel always declined in order to keep his privacy.

Among the few visitors, who had the rare chance to enter the premises, was the inventor Thomas Edison.

The two great minds of the 19th century are immortalized in wax figures. You can observe them “having a conversation” behind a glass window in the mostly untouched secret apartment. Isn’t this one of the most unique things to do in Paris?

To avoid endless queuing at the Eiffel Tower, you should buy your ticket online.

11. The Statue of Liberty: Find the Iconic Monument’s Little Sisters

Statue of Liberty Replica
You can see the most famous Statue of Liberty’s replica from the Eiffel Tower

One of the islands in the River Seine – the uninhabited Île aux Cygnes – hosts the little sister of the famous Statue of Liberty.

The 850-m / 2,789-ft. long island is just 11 m / 36 ft. at its widest point. The replica of the Liberty Enlightening the World, better known as the Statue of Liberty, stands at its Southwestern end.

The Parisian version of the iconic statue is a quarter of its larger sibling’s size. She rises 22 m (72.18 ft.) high.

Originally, the statue faced east, towards the Eiffel Tower. In 1937, she was turned west for the World Fair in Paris, thus looking in the direction of New York City.

The Statue of Liberty in the French capital is nearly three years younger than her sister. President Marie François Sadi Carnot inaugurated her on July 4th, 1889. She was donated to the city by the American Expatriate Community in Paris to mark the centennial of the French Revolution.

What’s even crazier is the fact that there are four other replicas of the famous monument in the city of Paris alone!

12. Le Crazy Horse: Kiss the Night Goodbye with a Cabaret Show

Moulin Rouge
Moulin Rouge is the most popular cabaret in the city, but we want non-touristy things to do in Paris

A cabaret show is not extremely unusual to imagine doing in Paris. In fact, I’m sure the moment you read the word, a famous red mill popped into your head.

However, I would recommend another place for your evening entertainment.

There are tens of establishments in Paris, which offer cabaret shows. And they all must put quite a spectacle to compete for your attention.

Therefore, my advice is to choose a lesser-known place to finish your night. You’ll experience better performance and even some extras for less money than at the most famous places.

Here are the top-rated cabarets in Paris:

  • Moulin Rouge: the most iconic but over-commercialized cabaret show. Prices start from €97 ($103). I recommend booking this luxury combo. It includes a relaxed dinner at the Eiffel Tower, a cruise along the River Seine, and a show at the Moulin Rouge.
  • Le Lido: a dazzling, quick-paced show in the Champs-Élysées. Prices start from €70 ($74).
  • Le Crazy Horse: extravagant choreography in an intimate setting near the banks of the River Seine. Prices start from €85 ($90).
  • Paradis Latin: great acrobatics in a posh ballroom in the Latin Quarter. Prices start from €65 ($69).
  • Au Lapin Agile: the most intimate cabaret experience in Paris where the audience becomes part of the show. Located in Montmartre. Prices start from €28 ($30).

✔️ Tip: My recommendation is the superb performance at Le Crazy Horse. The show was unusual, unexpected, and affordable. The seating was great and the atmosphere was spectacular.

13. Banksy Museum: Dive into the World of the Most Mysterious Street Artist

Banksy Museum Paris
Looking for non-touristy things to do in Paris? Discover the World of Banksy

Explore the enigmatic realm of street art at Musée Banksy. The unconventional gem is a must-visit stop for seekers of the most unusual things to do in Paris.

Nestled in the heart of Paris, this museum unveils the mystique behind the renowned street artist Banksy, inviting you to dive into a world of vivid colors and thought-provoking messages.

The museum’s walls are adorned with 100 of the anonymous artist’s iconic pieces. Each of them narrates a unique story and challenges conventional perspectives. It’s a wild ride through the streets of Banksy’s imagination, where art has a powerful voice.

The museum’s collection showcases the rebellious spirit of Banksy, providing a glimpse into the unconventional, the bizarre, and the politically charged.

It’s an immersive journey into the mind of one of the world’s most elusive and captivating street artists. Now, that’s definitely one of the most fun non-touristy things to do in Paris!

14. Perfume Creation Workshop: Explore the Magic Realm of Aromas

Perfume Creation Workshop Paris
Creating your own perfume is one of the most unusual things to do in Paris

Here’s the most “aromatic” unusual thing to do in Paris. At the French perfume brand Candora, you can craft your own unique scent.

Join the brand’s incredible perfume creation workshop, delving into the enchanting world of aromas. Immerse your senses in a hands-on experience near Ile Saint Louis, where you’ll not only learn the art of fragrance but also uncover the rich history and curiosities behind the industry.

Your journey will begin with a fun quiz, unraveling the tales of perfumery and the secrets of fragrances. Engage your senses by exploring several distinct aromas, allowing you to unleash your creativity and blend your favorites.

You’ll leave the workshop with a 50-ml spray bottle of your uniquely crafted perfume – a one-of-a-kind travel souvenir of your trip to Paris.

15. Romantic Vintage Tour: Drive the Streets of Paris in the Iconic Citroën 2CV

Citroën 2CV Ride Paris
Touring in a vintage Citroën 2CV is one of the coolest and most unusual things to do in Paris

Cruise the romantic streets of the French capital in the most iconic way. A ride in a vintage Citroën 2CV is definitely one of the coolest and most unusual things to do in Paris.

On this thrilling ride, you’ll explore the most enchanting spots of the city, from the Eiffel Tower to Montmartre.

Embark on a nostalgic journey, traveling back to the Belle Époque as you visit iconic locations in the heart of Paris. Experience the allure of Montmartre, the grandeur of Moulin Rouge, and the splendor of the Musée du Louvre. Let the historic streets narrate tales of romance as you pass through Pigalle, Opéra Garnier, and Place Vendôme.

With a special someone by your side, savor the beauty of the City of Love from the comfort of a classic Citroën 2CV. The tour passes by the most popular Parisian landmarks, including Sacré Cœur, Place de la Concorde, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Arc de Triomphe, and Eiffel Tower.

Included in this unforgettable experience is a ride in a convertible Citroën 2CV with a driver, who will be your guide through the romantic streets of Paris. Discovering the city’s most impressive spots in style will surely create ever-lasting memories.

16. Marmottan Monet Museum: Discover the Genius Painter’s Masterpieces

Marmottan Monet Museum Paris
Marmottan Monet Museum is a hidden gem in Paris

If you’re an art aficionado, the Parisian museums must be your Mecca.

One of the most unusual galleries to visit in the City of Light is the Marmottan Monet Museum.

Inside, you can explore the artistic legacy of Claude Monet and Berthe Morisot. The museum boasts the world’s biggest collection of their masterpieces.

The elegant Parisian art museum was once the hunting lodge of Christophe Edmond Kellermann, duc de Valmy. Some of Monet’s most iconic works, from the groundbreaking “Impression, Sunrise” to the expansive “Water Lilies” take central place among other treasures of impressionist art.

In the collection, you can also view the artist’s personal items, including sketchbooks, letters, and palettes, offering an intimate glimpse into Monet’s creative process.

Wander through the mansion’s rooms to encounter more masterpieces among the works of Paul Gauguin, Renoir, Rodin, Sisley, Degas, and Manet. In my opinion, this museum is one of the best-kept art secrets in Paris.

17. Montparnasse Tower: Admire the Most Majestic Panorama of Paris

Montparnasse Tower Paris
Montparnasse Tower reveals the most stunning panorama of Paris

You can enjoy the skyline of Paris from several tall buildings. But if you choose to climb the most iconic ones, they won’t be in the picture, would they?

So, to soak in a 360-degree panorama of the Parisian skyline, including the Eiffel Tower, Sacré Cœur, and Notre-Dame de Paris, I suggest you visit the observation deck of the Montparnasse Tower skyscraper.

In just 38 seconds, you’ll ascend 200 meters to breathtaking vistas.

Now, the nifty part: download the free app Magnicity and dive into a Parisian journey like never before. Stories, videos, and 3D reconstructions come to life as you explore. Snag breathtaking shots of landmarks, backed by anecdotes and city secrets. Whether it’s a serene sunrise or a mesmerizing sunset over the Seine, Montparnasse Tower has you covered.

If you’re ready to witness the City of Lights from a unique vantage point, then one of my top crazy things to do in Paris is for you.  

18. Macarons Workshop: Create the Quintessential French Pastries

Macarons Workshop in Paris
Learning the secrets of making macarons is at the top of the tastiest unusual things to do in Paris

If you’re a fan of the colorful desserts, the best way to appreciate them is by joining a Macarons workshop.

Dive into the art of the quintessential French pastries in the heart of Paris. Your guide will be Chef Noémie, who invites you to her cozy atelier for a hands-on experience

Learning to craft the iconic French macarons like a pro is an unforgettable adventure for your taste buds.

In an intimate setting, you’ll follow the chef’s expert guidance to whip up not just one, but two types of macarons.

And the best part?

You get to savor your delicious creations at home.

After the class, as you sip on a well-deserved cup of tea or coffee, you can chat with Chef Noémie. And not just about the recipes but also about the stories behind the flavors.

At the end of the workshop, you’ll be taking home more than just the tasty treats. You’ll bring back the skills and secrets to recreate macarons in your own kitchen. Isn’t that one of the sweetest unusual things to do in Paris?

19. Montmartre Food Tour: Sample Cheese, Wine, and Pastry in the Artistic District

Montmartre Food Tour
Tour the artsy Montmartre in search of the tastiest treats

A food adventure in the iconic Montmartre is one of my top non-touristy and unusual things to do in Paris. Hit the cobbled streets of the artistic neighborhood on a hunt for fresh cheeses, charcuterie, and wine, paired with delightful pastries and chocolate.

The panoramic views of Sacré Coeur, the iconic Le Moulin Rouge, and the artistic vibe of the area have inspired legends like Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso. Walk in their footsteps following your local foodie guide to discover the hidden gems of Montmartre’s culinary scene.

Indulge in a selection of fresh cheeses and charcuterie paired with exquisite French wines. Finish the feast with three distinct French pastries and irresistible homemade chocolate candies. The highlight of the tour is getting to know the local food artisans and learning about their passion for food.

20. Street Art Workshop: Tag the Parisian Streets with Graffiti Artists

Street Art Workshop in Paris
Tagging the streets is one of the craziest unusual things to do in Paris

The Parisian street art scene is insanely creative.

But did you know you can become part of it?

Join a graffiti workshop and you can design your own mural with the guidance of real street artists. You won’t be just making art but becoming a part of the vibrant street art movement.

On this tour, you’ll meet real street artists, share ideas, and dive into the creative process. In a laid-back setting, you’ll unleash your inner artist, learning techniques to refine your graffiti creation.

From the initial sketch on paper to the final touches on a large mural, you’ll craft something extraordinary.

No need to worry about materials. Everything you need to turn your ideas into vibrant street art is included. Paint, brushes, protective gear, and even pencil and paper, are at your disposal. Such a unique thing to do in Paris, right?

21. Coulée Verte: Escape the City Chaos in the Most Gorgeous Elevated Park

Riding a bike or taking a leisurely walk in Coulee Verte is one of the best fun things to do in Paris

Explore Paris like a local with a visit to the Coulée Verte René-Dumont, an elevated linear park.

Unlike the bustling Parisian streets, this modern green space offers a tranquil escape. With beautiful landscaping, rest areas, and a serene pond with koi, it’s perfect for a leisurely stroll.

The aboveground walkway opened in 1993. It was built on top of unused railways. Benches line the path, inviting you to rest and enjoy the surroundings. It even opens up to a park with sports facilities, a surprising oasis in the heart of Paris.

The 4.7 km (2.9 mi) promenade follows the old Vincennes railway line. The western end starts near the Opéra Bastille and rises above the city. The walkway runs east, descending to street level.

On your way, you’ll pass through tunnels and between modern buildings. The open sections of the Coulée Verte offer captivating views.

Accessible ramps and stairways make it easy to explore this gorgeous Parisian hidden gem. Make sure to add it to your list of must-see unusual things to do in Paris.

22. Wine Tasting Class: Try Exquisite French Wines with a Sommelier

Wine Tasting Class in Paris
Mastering the art of wine tasting is definitely among the most fun things to do in Paris

Want to master the art of wine tasting? Then, this non-touristy Parisian activity is for you.

By joining a wine-tasting class, you’ll not only learn to identify and taste wine but also take a virtual tour through the diverse wine regions of France.

From a centrally located wine bar, you’ll dive into the world of French wines. With an approach that’s both unique and refreshing, your sommelier will guide you through themes, unraveling the secrets of the famous Champagne, the main French wine regions, and the nuances of reading a wine label.

But worry not as this isn’t your typical school class.

It’s a quest to discover the difference between French wines. From terroir to appellation, your sommelier will demystify wine concepts while you savor samples from five regions.

If you’re ready to turn your wine knowledge up a notch, this awesome unusual thing to do in Paris is for you.

23. Street Art Tour: Navigate the Most Iconic Urban Creations

Street Art Tour in Paris
The vibrant street art scene of Paris offers a unique urban experience

Exploring the street art scene is one of the coolest and most unusual things to do in Paris.

Join a guided walking tour through the city’s most intriguing neighborhoods, and you’ll witness the evolution of street art in the French capital.

You’ll explore the 19th and 20th arrondissements, delving into the heart of the city’s street art culture. On this journey, you’ll discover transitory art, and learn about various techniques, such as stencils, graffiti, and posters.

Together with your knowledgeable guide, you’ll navigate Belleville, cross Rue Denoyez, and soak in the mesmerizing graffiti-covered walls that redefine the visual landscape of modern Paris.

Keep in mind that this isn’t your typical stroll. This curated experience showcases the city’s thriving urban art scene and a unique side of Paris that few travelers get to explore. It’s one of the most unique things to do in Paris.

24. Chocolate Making Workshop: Learn the Art of the Most Beloved Dessert

Chocolate Making Workshop in Paris
A chocolate-making workshop is one of the most unique unusual activities in Paris

Diving into the world of chocolate is one of the tastiest and most unusual things to do in Paris.  

Included in this sweet deal is not just the workshop but also a chocolate tasting, live demonstrations, and admission to Le Musée Gourmand du Chocolat Choco-Story.

The chocolate-making workshop at Choco-Story will teach you how to craft your own chocolate bar.

Guided by the skillful chocolatier, you’ll explore dipping techniques and decorate your creation with a variety of tempting toppings. Orange stripes, marshmallows, hazelnut cubes, and mini-tablets will adorn your delectable masterpiece.

The best part? You get to take home up to 300 gr of pure chocolate goodness.

But that’s not all you’ll get when you book this amazing workshop. Le Musée Gourmand du Chocolat also awaits you. Its three floors of mouthwatering exhibits unravel the history of the adored treat from its South American origins to the present day.

This is one of my favorite non touristy and fun things to do in Paris.

25. Bakery Tour: Go Behind the Scenes of the Most Iconic Culinary Craft

Bakery Tour in Paris
Learning the secrets of the French baguette should be on your list of unusual things to do in Paris

Ready for a taste of authentic French baking?

On this guided tour of a Parisian bakery, you’ll dive into the secrets of crafting the perfect baguette.

The unique thing about this tour is that it’ll take you behind the scenes where you’ll explore the workshop, witness the artistry of the bakers, and unravel the steps that result in that unmistakable French crispiness.

Your morning will kick off with a delightful breakfast right at the bakery, featuring heavenly croissants and a mouthwatering pain au chocolat.

Then, you’ll step into the heart of the kitchen and learn the secrets from the pros themselves. This immersive experience will reveal the true essence of French pastry craftsmanship.

But the adventure doesn’t end there. The grand finale is your own, freshly baked, mouthwatering baguette. Definitely one of the top non-touristy things to do in Paris.

Now You Know Where to Find the Most Unusual Things to Do in Paris

Crazy and Unusual Things to do in Paris
Now you know where to find crazy and unusual things to do in Paris

And there you have it, the top 25 fun and crazy unusual things to do in Paris.

Some activities are free to participate in, some have a small entrance fee, and others include all the materials and guidance you need to have a blast in the French capital.

Plus, the tips I’ve included should help you optimize your time.

Now, it’s your turn:

Which fun unusual things to do in Paris would you try first?

Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. jojo vito says:

    Paris is on top of my list and seeing this post made that desire even stronger. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. You should definitely visit Paris – and don’t just follow the crowds! Find your unique and unusual things to do in the city of light :)

      Cheers and happy travels,

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these excellent tips! Really useful

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  6. Pingback: 3 Days In Paris – The Essential Paris Itinerary + Tips & Map -
  7. Pingback: 3 Days In Paris - The Important Paris Itinerary + Ideas & Map - WiKi-Know
  8. So many fabulous Paris experiences! Every time we visit, we’ll have a picnic in the Luxembourg Gardens. It’s a great place to relax, get off your feet, and do some people-watching!

    1. Hey, Lisa,
      picnics in Paris is one of my favorite things to do as well :) The parks are just so inviting!

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